Western Journal of Medical & Biomedical Science – WJMBS
If all Microorganisms Vanish from the Surface of Planet Earth, what becomes of Man?
Mamfe JA,1 Ojo BA2 & Jombo GTA.3*
1Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Health Sciences, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria. 2Department of Anatomic Pathology, College of Health Sciences, Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria. 3Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, College of Medical Sciences, Edo State University, Uzairue Edo State Nigeria.
*Correspondence: Jombo GTA Email: jombogodwin@gmail.com
Microorganisms were the earliest biological creatures of the universe here on earth and have existed over billions of years ago and bacteria specifically have given rise to all other higher multicellular plants and animals including man. Since microbes are responsible for disease and have caused several millions of deaths in the past among humans, one would wish all these microbes suddenly should be wiped out in order to preserve man. Most often the advantages of bacteria to man are listed but often not seen as justifiable enough to warrant the continued existence of bacteria and archaebacteria here on planet earth. The authors looked at the advantages and disadvantages of microbes and also what would happen to man if all microbes are suddenly wiped out from the earth. And found out that it would be a catastrophic event in which global warming will continue to increase rapidly due to increase of Co2 and decrease of oxygen, all ruminants such as cows and sheep will all die, all plants will die, all refuse dumps, dead animals, dead plants, toxic wastes and accumulated human excreta will not undergo biodegradation and recycled back to the environment. In conclusion the advantages of microbes to man far outweigh their disadvantages of causing diseases and if all microbes vanish from the surface of the earth, in no distant time man as well will vanish.
Keywords: Bacteria, Earth, Microorganisms, Planet, Vanish |